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Bob Proctor‘s book You Were Born Rich is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their life. The book contains valuable advice and tips to help anyone achieve their dreams. He highlights the importance of setting goals, taking action, and continuing to learn and grow. Bob Proctor is a world-renowned speaker, teacher, and success coach. 

He has helped millions of people worldwide transform their lives and create the life they want. His book You Were Born Rich is a best-seller and has helped countless people achieve their dreams. If you’re looking for a book that will inspire and motivate you to create the life you want, then You Were Born Rich is the book for you.

Here are some ideas from the book:

Money is a servant

Bob Proctor says, following that logic, the more money we have, the more we can serve. He wrote You Were Born Rich to help readers increase their wealth so they could, in turn, help others. Money must not be earned for the sake of money. It must be used with a purpose and must serve people.

Some people serve money and use people. That’s the wrong mindset. It would be best if you strived to help people and use money. Serving people is the only way you get paid in this world.

Money must circulate

Money must circulate if it is to do any good. Money is like water; it must keep moving or become stagnant. 

Money flow like water if you act like You Were Born Rich
Money flow like water if you act like You Were Born Rich

Wealthy people understand that money is essential. They use it to improve their lives and the lives of those around them. They know that money must circulate if it is to do any good.

You can’t just keep your money under the mattress. Money must be invested and used to grow and help more people.

Money is important

Poor people often say money is not essential. This is because they do not have any. Money is very important. You can’t pay your bills and live a decent life without the use of money.

We should all value money because it is crucial. Money is a tool that can be used to buy things we need and want, and it can also be used to help us achieve our goals. Money is also a way to keep track of our progress. When we save money, we can see how much we have accomplished.

Develop prosperity consciousness

You must see yourself in your mind’s eye as the prosperous life you want to live. See and feel yourself already living this rich life. 

You can achieve anything you set your mind to. Feel comfortable with the money you want to have. Can you see yourself having the money you want without feeling guilt, worry, or fear over it?

Mental Money

Think of the amount of money you want to have. When talking to yourself, always tell yourself how wonderful you feel about having the money now. 

Here are some ideas on what would make up your dream money goal 

  • Write down your expenses.
Write down your expenses
  • Think of the money you’ll go aside for life insurance. This is crucial as you won’t be around forever. This will help the family you leave behind if something happens to you.
  • Pay yourself first. Set aside money for savings and investments.
  • Pay your debts. Set up an automatic debt repayment program.
  • Seek advice from financial experts.

If you find yourself procrastinating from doing these important steps, check out my last post on how to fix this.


No matter your current situation, keep building this image of money that you already possess. Visualize your target and work on it every day. Ignore why you won’t get it. Don’t let outside circumstances dictate your results.

In the book You Were Born Rich, John Kanary’s story about persistence is one of a kind. He wanted to do speaking work just like Bob. Proctor advised him that thousands of similar people dream of the same thing, but only one succeeds. 

He didn’t let that grim statistic demotivate him. He read all the books necessary, practiced speaking for free, and traveled with Proctor at his own expense without getting paid yet. His persistence eventually paid off as he got to do his speaking gig. Finally, he reached the point where his previous annual income was now his monthly profits.

Image Maker

Build an image in your mind of the life that you desire. Write it down on a card. Read and feel your desires every day. 

Write down:

I feel so happy and grateful now that I see myself with ____ ( fill in the blanks what you want).”

Write this line for several things you want to show in your life.

Carry this card with you, and make sure to read it consistently. This is how you build a prosperity mindset.

Let Go and Let God

  • Relax and see yourself already in possession of what you desire
  • Let go and let God. Don’t fret about thinking about how you can achieve your dreams.
  • Know in your heart that what you want will happen.

Expect Abundance

Fill your mind with the expectation that you will get what you desire. Whenever doubt creeps in, remind yourself that other people are in the same position or even worse than you. Expect those good things will happen, and stop worrying. 

Expect good things will happen to you

While patiently waiting for your desire to manifest, take some steps towards it. You may have to do something that brings you closer to your goal. 

Let ideas come to you. The Universe gives answers subtly. If you notice an idea popping up in your mind from nowhere, write it down and take action immediately. 

Many people only believe what they see. They only get happy when things start going in their favor. Do the opposite. Start thinking in your mind and feel happy before you have what you desire. 


To summarize the book, You Were Born Rich.

First, visualize in your mind what you want. Feel as if you already have it.

Second, let go of the details and let the Universe deliver them to you. 

Third, Expect fully with your heart and soul that you will get it.