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Meditation is hard and here are the five reasons why!

  1. You are not making time for meditation 
  2. Not being consistent with meditation 
  3. Not being comfortable while meditating 
  4. Not concentrating during meditation
  5. Not having realistic expectations for meditation

If you’re thinking about taking up meditation or have been meditating for a while but aren’t seeing the results you want, this blog post is for you. 

Mindfulness is a practice that can be highly beneficial to our mental and physical health, but only if it is done correctly. Unfortunately, many people make common mistakes when practicing mindfulness meditation which can do more harm than good In this blog post, we will explore the top five mistakes people make with mindfulness meditation and how to avoid them.

Not making time for meditation.

You can improve with this new activity with practice. If it’s your first time meditating, you must adjust a lot to perform it correctly. The only way to improve is to do it regularly. You need to set aside time for meditation so you can get better at it.

Here are ways you can make up time for meditation:

  • You can put in your calendar and mark the days and times you will meditate
  • Create an alarm preset for your meditation only.
Set an alarm for your meditation practice

Not being consistent with meditation.

One of the most common mistakes people make when trying to adopt a mindfulness practice is not being consistent. It is essential to commit to regular practice to see results. Practicing without proper guidance – Many people try to go it alone when they start practicing mindfulness, but without proper guidance, it can be challenging to know how to get the most out of your practice. 

It can be helpful to seek out a teacher or reputable resources that can help you learn more about effective mindfulness techniques. 

Get help from meditation teachers to guide you.

One of the biggest mistakes people make with meditation is not sticking with it. They may try it for a week or two and then give up when they don’t see immediate results; they may meditate sporadically, which makes it challenging to develop a consistent practice. Remember that, like any skill, meditation takes time and practice to improve. To reap the benefits of mindfulness, you must commit to regular exercise.

Not being comfortable while meditating.

You have to make sure you are comfortable during meditation. Do the things you need to do to prepare. Drink your water, go to the restroom to take care of nature’s business, wear comfortable clothes and make sure your meditation room is cool and comfortable. 

If you can use an eye or meditation mask to help block out light from entering your eyes during meditation will be a great addition to your comfort. Find a chair you can comfortably sit on for a long time. Sitting in a lotus position can get very uncomfortable, especially if you are seated like this for several minutes.

Meditation in a lotus position can be tiresome.
Sitting in a lotus position while doing meditation can be painful to your legs.

Not concentrating during meditation.

You need to be able to focus to reap the benefits of mindfulness. If you find your mind wandering, gently bring it back to the present moment. Once you become aware that your mind has wandered, gently bring it back to the present moment. Don’t get caught up in judging yourself for letting your mind wander. Just let it happen and gently bring it back when you can. 

Learning how to meditate takes time and patience. Don’t expect results overnight; be patient with yourself as you understand this new skill. You are giving up too soon. It’s normal for your mindfulness practice to ebb and flow. There will be days when you feel like you’re making progress and other days when it feels like you’re not getting anywhere. Don’t give up on mindfulness just because you have a few off days.

A big part of mindfulness is learning to focus and direct your attention in the present moment, which can be difficult if you let your mind wander during meditation. It’s essential to keep bringing your attention back to your breath or chosen object of focus whenever you notice your thoughts starting to drift. 

When people first start practicing mindfulness, they often put a lot of pressure on themselves to achieve perfect concentration or “get it right.” However, this only leads to frustration and discouragement; instead, let go of any expectations and permit yourself to be where you are at each moment during your practice.

Not having realistic expectations for meditation.

Without knowing it, I did not have realistic expectations for meditation. People often have grandiose ideas about what meditation can do for them and their lives. While it’s true that meditation can be potent, it’s essential to go into your practice with realistic expectations.

If you’re expecting to achieve nirvana after just a few minutes of sitting, you’re likely to be disappointed with meditation. It takes time, patience, and effort to see results. A lot of people think that mindfulness is just some wishy-washy new age BS and that it can’t possibly be effective because it’s “too easy.”

But the truth is that mindfulness requires a great deal of focus and attention. Just because it doesn’t require physical exertion doesn’t mean it’s not challenging. Many people find mindfulness much harder than they thought it would be!


If you want to make the most of your meditation practice, avoid making these five mistakes. Meditation can be a great way to relieve stress, improve your focus and concentration, and find inner peace. However, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to make common mistakes that can kill your meditation practice. So be patient, focus on your breath, let go of your thoughts, and don’t get discouraged. With a little effort, you can master the art of meditation and enjoy all its benefits.

Check out my last posts about becoming successful.