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Here’s a summary of what I learned from the book It Works by RHJ

The book It Works by RHJ is a short booklet on manifesting your desires. It’s simple and pretty straightforward.

This tiny book was published in 1926, and for almost 100 years, people have had LOA success with its super simple method. The entire book is about 20 tiny pages, and it’s well worth the $4 to have a copy as a reminder.

What do you want? Do you want that new car? That new job to replace your hated job? Do you want that new house?

Whatever you want, you can manifest it by focusing on it. 

People who don’t know how to get what they want usually say, “I wish I have that.” Some even say, “They can never have what they want.” Some people doubt they can have what their heart desires and decide to settle. They choose to be satisfied with what they have.

Millions of people have the same expression and give no thought to what they want. If you are one of these people and would like to change your lot in life, there is a way to do it. First, you must know what you want. 

You have taken the first big step once you decided to decide what you want. You have a power within you that is willingly going to help you. You must wish for your desires with all of your heart. A half-hearted desire will not affect the power of the Universe to your side.

Most people’s desires are verbal statements. They don’t put their heart into it.

Here is the entire method in six steps:

1. Write out a list of everything you want, in order of importance, with the essential items at the top. Don’t put any limits on what you want.

Write down your list according to the book "It Works"
Write down your list according to the book “It Works.”

Think of different areas of your life like family, health, relationships, work, finances, relaxation time, vacation, toys, or gadgets.

2. Be very specific about each item you want, listing every possible detail of what you want and when you want it.

Don’t think about why you can’t manifest it. Remember to think about your current finances, situation, health, job, etc., that could be stopping you from getting what you want.

3. Change the list daily, adding or removing items that come to mind until you feel you have the correct list.

At the start of this activity, you may have doubts about what you’re doing and wonder how this would even come into your life. We all start from this point where we have no faith in how our desires will come to life. Even if you feel that, write the desire down 

4. Read the list of what you want three times daily: morning, noon, and night.

Give gratitude in advance. Visualize every morning and before going to bed

You don’t need to find out how the Universe will bring this to you. If you follow the plan and do it daily, techniques and methods will guide you in bringing about your desires.

5. Think of what you want as often as possible.

Read and feel being, doing, and having the things on your list.

6. Do not talk to anyone about your list or what you are doing.

It would be great to start something small, something that is believable for you. This activity will grow your belief muscle that this plan works. Once you have more faith in this process, you’ll attract bigger things in your life.

When you’re feeling doubts and questioning things, get your list and read it. Read it again and again. Give thanks in advance repeatedly until the doubts are gone.


I’ve watched testimonials on YouTube on people getting success from applying the book It Works.

One story that captivated me is from Justin Harder. He started four years ago and manifested 13 out of 15 of his list.

He said he was at the lowest point of his life and with little money in the bank, just enough to buy gas for his car. 

He manifested things like a healthy body. He lost weight and finally stopped taking medications like Adderall.

He just did these steps persistently every day. The Universe led him to partners and opportunities that led to fulfilling his dreams from his list.

My own experience with It Works

I got myself a notebook and wrote down things I wanted to manifest. I thought of areas in my life that I wanted to improve and have and wrote them down.

I followed the advice to read it three times a day and felt grateful afterward. I also tried to visualize with feelings what it would feel like to have the things I wrote on my list finally. 

So far, I have manifested some small things. I still have some limiting beliefs on why I can’t manifest the bigger things.

I must be open and focused in listening to the Universe for hints on manifesting my desires. I have to be quiet and meditate to focus on that inner guidance. 

Pros and Cons

The good thing about this is it focuses your mind on what you want. The law of attraction kicks in, and clues and guides will be shown to you. 

The cons would be the daily disciple to do this process. It is so simple to do that you can easily forget to do it and not do it consistently. One way you can do this is to set up an alarm three times to do this step. You can also put your desires list everywhere in your house where you would always see it.

Post Its are great reminder tools
Post Its are great reminder tools.

If you’re a man in your 30s or 40s and constantly feeling lazy, check out my last blog post on how to deal with this.


What have you learned from this book “It Works” summary? Did you find something useful? I would love to hear your comments and suggestions. 

What are you waiting for? Start writing down your list and work on your manifestations. I would love to know how it worked out for you.