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This is a summary by Joseph Murphy. You’re infinite power to be rich. So he talks about a couple of points on how you can use your mind to be rich. 

Believe in your heart that you are destined to be rich.

So the first thing you have to remember, the first point will be that God wants you to be rich.

He doesn’t want you to live in poverty. He designed this world for us to be all abundant. 

People stuck in poverty don’t know how to use the power of their minds for wealth.

They don’t use their imagination to improve their life situation. 

Three steps to lasting wealth

1. First one would be no negative statements about your finances.

Ensure you don’t complain about their debts, your lack of money, savings, or assets. 

Complaining doesn’t make you think out of the box. You get yourself stuck with limited thinking.

Complaining can drive riches away from you.
Complaining can drive money away from you.

Instead of saying, “ I can’t afford the things I want,” say, “How can I afford the things that I want?”

Asking questions gives your mind the creative power to search for solutions instead of resigning that you won’t get what you want.

2. Make daily positive statements about money, so these will be your affirmations that will come in. 

You affirm something like every day in every way, I have more and more money, and you keep thinking about those thoughts and saying those words to program your mind that money is coming to you.

While you’re sleeping, make sure you do this affirmation. “I’m so thankful for God’s riches. They are always with me, and it’s forever.”

The reason behind this is that while you are sleeping, there is no resistance to the belief that you want to program your mind.

Your subconscious mind will figure out that belief and accept it as true. So, while sleeping, you’re programming worldly thoughts to come to your brain.

3. The third point is the key to financial security. You have to serve others.

The only way you can be wealthy is to help people. Give them value in return, and they will pay for your service or product. 

Sell something of value that is more valuable than the amount of money they pay for. 

Give back and share your blessings.

Be willing to give back to the community and support organizations that promote truth and goodness, such as your church, volunteer groups, schools, or any other helpful and inspiring cause that encourages personal growth.

Give back to the community to increase the flow of money to you.
Giving back to the community is one way to increase the flow of money.

Give a percentage of your income to places or people that inspired you. Joseph Murphy refers to this as tithing. If you want to attract more money, give more money. This will increase the flow of money to you.

Do this joyously, regularly, and freely. Don’t expect your return from the people you gave it to.

Keep yourself open to nudges for opportunities where money will come to you.

Change your thoughts, and the money will follow.

Next, you have to change your thoughts about money.

Visualize the life you want; imagine yourself having the money, things, and experiences you desire. Feel them and be happy for them. 

Additionally, create your ideal business in your mind. Do affirmations like, “Getting rich, I am making others feel rich, and I am bestowing riches to everyone.”

Think about what your business would look like, imagine and plan, and then take action on your imagination and your plan. Do something about it every day.

Feel Rich Now!

Make sure to feel wealthy if you want to be rich. The secret to that is to feel it right now.

Feel the money coming, abundance, and happiness, as if you already have enough richness in your life. 

Scott Wilhite has a fantastic Youtube video on how to feel rich using the law of attraction. This works even if you’re poor in your current reality. You can check it out here.

Feel complete and satisfied now. Feeling dissatisfied with your current lot will give you more situations to feel dissatisfied.

Of Course, Take action.

Next, do business; it’s the only way to make money through natural means. While you can get money from the lottery, there are better ways.

Not everyone will win the lottery. It’s best to engage in business where you offer something valuable to others, helping them and receiving payment or value in return.

Take action, this is the only way you can get rich from your business ideas.

According to a statistic from Zapier, 39 percent of Americans don’t get into business because they don’t know how to get started.

That’s a lot of people who don’t want to see their dream come true because of a lack of action. Don’t be part of the 39% statistic; take action now and persist in your dream.

Give Thanks Daily

Lastly, be grateful every day. Feel thanks for what you’re receiving. The more thankful you are, the more good things will flow into your life.

Those are the points about your power to be rich. I hope you’ve learned something. Let me know if you need to know more.

Here are some ways you can give thanks every day.

  • Get yourself a gratitude journal. Set aside a few minutes daily to write down three to five things you are grateful for. These can be big or small things, such as a supportive friend, a beautiful sunset, or a good cup of coffee.
  • Appreciate the Little Things: Pay attention to the small pleasures in your day, like the warmth of the sun, the sound of birds chirping, or a good book. Acknowledging these small joys can cultivate a greater sense of gratitude.

This book works. 

Let’s hear it from Minneapolis_user

I bought this book in 2014. At that time, I was super frustrated in my marriage, hated where I lived, and was making hardly any money. I began reciting some of the prayers and mantras listed in the book. By the end of 2015, 

I was suddenly in a much better relationship and living in a much better place. By 2017 I was suddenly picked to be on a reality TV show with my business.

I have recited these prayers and also used meditation, and my business and entire life have improved each year. 

By 2020, I made five times what I made when reciting these mantras. This is a straightforward read; if the prayers are recited daily, they produce results.

If you want to know more tips, check out my last post on Three Income Secrets