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What I Learned from The Secret Movie

If you’re like most people, you probably watched The Secret movie before. If you’re like me, you probably learned much about the law of attraction.

If you’re new to the law of attraction or have been living without knowing it, this is an excellent movie to start learning about. The movie starts by explaining the law of attraction and how it can help anyone create the life of their dreams. 

It explains that everything you think and feel profoundly affects your reality. Thoughts have real power and can create miracles in our lives if we learn how to harness them correctly.

What is the Law of Attraction?

There are so many misconceptions surrounding the law of attraction. Many people think it’s just a new age fad, but it’s not. It’s based on ancient spiritual teachings that have been around for thousands of years. 

The real secret to success is not a secret at all. It’s all about focusing on what you want in life and working every day to make it happen. If we do that, the law of attraction will ensure that everything we need comes into our lives. The universe is always supporting us. We just need to allow it to work for us by using the power of our thoughts to attract what we want into our lives.

The law of attraction is simply the idea that what we think, feel, and believe has a powerful effect on our lives.

Everything you think and feel profoundly affects your reality. We often don’t realize this because we usually don’t think consciously about the thoughts that run through our minds all day long. However, the truth is that these mental patterns are constantly influencing every decision we make and every action we take in our lives.

What do you want in life?

Do you want a relationship, a bigger house, millions of money in the bank, vacations worldwide? Whatever it is that you can think and feel about, the Law of Attraction can bring it to you.

Do you want success in life? The Law of Attraction can bring it to you.

The Law of Attraction states that you attract into your life whatever you think about most often. If you consistently think about a negative experience or situation in your life, you will attract more of those experiences or situations into your reality. But by thinking about a positive experience or situation, you can also attract more of those things into your life. 

It is just a matter of what you think about most of the time that determines the type of results you get in your life.

“Whether we realize it or not, we are magnets sending out ripples of energy into the Universe with the thoughts and feelings we create.” 

The Secret is the Law of Attraction.

Mystics, scientists, businessmen, and politicians have long been aware of this power and chose to hide it from the masses to keep their advantage.

How My Life Changed Because of The Secret

This movie greatly impacted my life and helped me change how I think and act. I know it sounds cliché, but it’s true. I used to be very negative and worried all the time. Now, I try to focus on being positive and optimistic. I’ve learned to leave negativity behind me and focus on the positive things I want in my life. 

So, what’s the one thing you want the most? 

What is the most important thing to you right now?

If you could have anything in the world, what would it be? 

These are all questions you need to ask yourself to clarify what you want from life. Once you know what you want, the next step is to figure out the specific steps you need to take to achieve your goals. 

This is very important, and it’s often overlooked when people start this journey of self-discovery. You can’t just wish for something to happen and hope it comes true. You have to work towards achieving your goals if you want to achieve them. That’s the only way it will happen.

History of the law of attraction

Nostradamus learned of the secret around 1550 CE. He devoted much of his life to researching the hidden truths of the Universe and learning how to use the powerful forces of nature to achieve his goals in life. As the story goes, he taught the secret only to a select few considered worthy enough to possess this knowledge. One of these people was King Edward II of England. It is said that the king’s reign flourished due to his knowledge of the secret powers of the universe.

When Edward became king of England at 18, he was young, inexperienced, and surrounded by enemies on all sides who wanted to see him fail. However, with the help of The Secret, he could turn his enemies into his friends and achieve great success throughout his reign.

The secret was rediscovered again in the 1800s by the renowned spiritual teacher Marie Laveau who used its power to attain wealth and happiness in her life. She later passed on the secret to other highly influential figures such as J. K. Rowling and Oprah Winfrey, who have both achieved great success in their lives through the use of the power of the secret.

How to use the law of attraction

1. Use vision boards

Use vision boards to apply The Secret

Vision boards are an effective way to visualize the life you want to live and make your dreams a reality. They are simply poster boards containing images representing your goals and aspirations for the future. When you place these images in a prominent place in your home or office, you will see them every day and will subconsciously be reminded of the positive things you want to achieve in your life.

You can create this using a poster and cut out images or print out photos of things and experiences you desire. Paste them on your vision board. 

Make sure to see your vision board every day and feel the feelings of having the things you see on your board.

To get a clear vision of what you want, start by identifying what inspires you and creating a picture in your mind of your perfect life.

You can also use apps on your phone or computer to create a vision board. It is easier to find photos you want by searching them online and pasting them into your vision board app.

I use Pinterest on my phone, and there are endless boards to search for visualization inspiration. You can create your own board or follow someone’s pinboard for inspiration. You can also search for quotes and put them on your board to be inspired by daily.

2. Using The Secret For Your Relationships

Rhonda advises that our relationships in life reflect what we have with ourselves. If you don’t love our selves fully, this manifests as well in our family and romantic relationships.

She recommends writing down a list of things you appreciate in a person instead of focusing on their bad qualities. Focusing on the good side of people will be the qualities that will manifest in your life. 

Make a list of compliments of your loved ones

For example, you might complain that your spouse is not washing the dishes after every meal. Instead of focusing on that single mistake, maybe write down the qualities you love about them. Be grateful for the things they do daily to take care of you, like cooking, shopping for groceries, and taking care of the kids. 

The more you focus on these things to be thankful for in the other person, the fewer complaints you’ll make, and there will be fewer fights and arguments. This, in turn, will make your relationships better.

3. The Secret to You

The secret to us is that we are all part of the Divine. The thing you called God, Universe, Source is also us. We are all made of divine energy.

The divine is pure positive energy. Everything in the universe is made of it. It’s everywhere, and it’s in us too. Science shows that everything is energy and everything is connected in this universe. The further we look at the universe, the more we see how interconnected it is. Everything is connected because everything is made from the same energy. This includes human beings. We have a spiritual essence that connects us to the whole universe.

We are all connected to the Divine Energy.

4. The Secret to the World

We should concentrate more on the good and not the bad experiences. Because when we do so, we tend to attract more of the good stuff. Our thoughts are very powerful.

The world is not for us to save. You have to only work on yourself, and the world around you will change. This will inspire other people to also work on themselves and inspire even more change in the world. Focus more on bringing yourself joy instead of worrying about all the negative things in the world.

Stop watching the news! It’s not helpful to you anyway, it only creates fear in our minds. And it will make you feel even worse about yourself. So stop wasting your time, ditch the news and live your best. 

5. The Secret to Money

Setting a goal and having concrete, step-by-step plans will help you reach your goal faster and motivate you. Millionaires don’t happen overnight. They have worked hard for it for years. It takes a lot of hard work and determination to succeed and be financially free.

One thing is certain they used The Secret to visualize their money goals and ways to achieve them. This led to connections and opportunities that eventually led them to become millionaires. 


So there you go, some areas where you can apply The Secret and improve your life. Start applying them today, and let me know if it worked for you in the comments. I would love to hear from you. Also, check out my last post if you are looking for more reviews