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Who doesn’t want speedy money to arrive to them lightning fast?

I can use money that comes to me at the flick of my fingers.

Who wouldn’t want instant money right now, as you are thinking about it?

Joe’s book Money Likes Speed lays out some principles on how to make money come to you fast….super fast!!!

If there’s an idea, act on it right away.


Jan Koum didn’t know his app would be worth $19 billion!

He just wanted an app that could connect phones using the internet regardless of location.

He created Whatsapp, which Facebook bought.

He had an idea for an app, and even though it wasn’t clear how he would profit from it, he improved it to the best of his ability.

Whatspp started as an idea to make speedy money

Whatsapp was just an idea first to make speedy money

His Whatsapp got millions of downloads, and he finally got bids from companies to buy it from him. 

What can you get from this story? 

If you are inspired to do something that would make you money, act on it.

You might not see immediate profits from your ideas, but it may lead to something better.

Do your best and learn skills along the way. You can use what you’ve learned in your next venture if you fail to succeed in this idea.


Change your beliefs about money.


Some of us don’t want to make speedy money because we don’t want to!!!

We have limiting beliefs about earning money, which stops us from making more money quickly.

Limiting beliefs can stop you from making speedy money

What limiting beliefs are stopping you from making speedy money?

Here are some limiting beliefs you may have about money:

  • Money is the root of all evil
  • You have to work so hard to make money
  • Money is limited, and there’s not enough for everyone
  • I have to sacrifice so somebody will have some.
  • More money, more problems
  • Rich people are snob, evil or greedy

If you have these deep-seated limiting money beliefs, you will find it very hard to make money in abundance. 

Every time you make money, you’ll find a way to sabotage it and lose your money to prove your belief.

So how do you overcome these beliefs and move towards more money?

Identify your beliefs and write and speak your new beliefs.

If you believe, for example, that money is the root of all evil, change it to money is the root of all good. 

Write down this new belief and read and say it several times during the day.

This will program your mind with this new belief.

Find something you’re passionate about and learn to profit from it.


I love gaming. Whether it’s on my phone, iPad, or my gaming laptop, I love spending time playing video games. 

It’s a hobby that I don’t mind spending so much time on. 

I also learn some real-life skills in gaming, like how to persist and set goals to level up in life, just like in RPG games. 

I always wondered how this video gaming habit could make money on the side.

 I can do the following:

  • Create a Twitch gaming channel and stream my games.
  • Write a blog about the games I’m playing and write about tips and strategies on how to overcome certain challenging levels.
  • Create a Youtube channel and post my recorded gaming videos. This is the platform that most gamers that I know use. They do earn a substantial income after gaining a certain amount of followers.
  • I can post this on Tiktok or Facebook and earn some ads.

Streaming your game is one way you can earn money from your gaming passion.

To monetize these platforms, I would have the following:


  • Ads
  • Memberships
  • Donations
  • Affiliate links
  • Merchandise like toys, shirts, and gadgets

So far, that’s what I would do. How about you?

What’s your passion, and how can you make money from it?

If you’re unsure of monetization tactics, try some of the 35 speedy money ways below:

  1. Become an Uber driver.
  1. Join sites that offer free coupons and cash, like Swagbucks. You can even sign up for their affiliate program and plug your affiliate links into your site or Youtube channel.
  1. Join sites that pay for answering surveys. Promote their affiliate code in your blog posts.
  1. Sell your used items on eBay or Craigslist.
  1. Create handmade crafts and sell them on Etsy.
  1. Look for work from employment agencies.
  1. Sell advertising on your car.
  1. You can ask for money using a donation drive like GoFundMe.
  1. Sell your blood.
  1. Sell your laboring services on
  1. Review apps and get paid for them.
  1. Use your phone and work to become a mystery shopper. 
  1. Take photos and sell them. 
  1. Do Airbnb
  1. Download extensions on your computer browser that pays ads every time you surf the internet.
  1. Offer freelancing services on Upwork.
  1. Sell your ebook on Amazon Kindle.
  1. Create a Youtube channel.
  1. Sell your furniture or any used appliances on Facebook Marketplace.
  1. Do dropshipping and sell on Amazon.
  1. Work as a catering waiter on event only basis. This would be an excellent part-time hustle.
  1. Sell unused gift cards on
  1. Dog sit for a neighbor or friend and charge them for it.
  1. If you are good with handyman work, offer your assembly services.
  1. Sell hair online at
  1. Sell preloved clothes online.
  1. Find focus groups and get paid for your opinion.
  1. Create an online store.
  1. Create affiliate products like online courses and let our people sell them for you.

Think Like An Entrepreneur


Having a job is great, but if you want to have a lot of money quickly, you have to think like an entrepreneur. 

Set up multiple sources of income, like multiple businesses and investments. 

Jim Rohn said,


“ Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.” 


A college degree can give you the basics you need to be able to hold a job.

But if you want to be wealthy, you have to learn continuously to create financial freedom.




So, these are the ways you can make speedy money.

Which one would you implement now and make money come to you quickly?

A no excuse life is one way you can discipline yourself to do these steps above.

Check my last post on how to do this